Marijuana is Different Today
Up until the 1990s, the average THC (the psychoactive & addictive ingredient) potency of the plant was around 2-5%. Very few concentrates were available. Since being legalized in California, the THC potency has increased to up to 90%, or more, with a multitude of concentrates available.
Ultra-high-THC marijuana hurts young people.
Do you know what these are? They are some of the new ultra-high TCH marijuana products
New York Times 6/23/2022: "With THC levels close to 100 percent, today’s cannabis products are making some teenagers highly dependent and dangerously ill"
How do these highly processed products harm our kids? The risks span from lower mental and physical potential, addiction, loss of IQ and memory, cannabis-induced psychosis, and other serious psychological harms like schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and suicide. Youth from the South Bay would have easy access to high-THC drugs because of loopholes in the legal framework. This would endanger our youth and change the culture of our community forever.
Legal Marijuana Retail?
Top 10 Things a Community Should Consider
Decide if the health of our community is worth the risk...
What was promised and what voters got are very different.
From the LA TIMES:
Broken Promises
More on Prop 64
Many of the problems that Prop 64 was supposed to solve have instead been made worse.
More on Environmental Impacts
The plant may be green but nothing about the marijuana industry is environmentally friendly.
More on the Illicit Market Growing
Marijuana legalization's primary purpose was to eliminate the marijuana black market. It instead has exacerbated it.
More on Political Power of the Industry
Cannabis and political corruption go hand in hand.
More on Children Exposed to Marijuana Advertising
Children are getting the wrong idea on marijuana.